Getting Started ================================ Install ------------ dlex can be install using ``pip`` :: pip install dlex Set up an experiment ------------------------ Step 1: Folder structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following folder structure is for best practice :: Experiment/ |-- model_configs |-- model_outputs* |-- model_reports* |-- logs* |-- saved_models* |-- src | |-- datasets | | |-- .py | |-- models | | |-- .py |-- Model parameters and outputs are saved to ``./saved_models`` and ``./model_outputs`` unless ``DLEX_SAVED_MODELS_PATH`` and ``DLEX_MODEL_OUTPUTS_PATH`` is specified. The folders with * do not need to be created manually, instead they will be created during training and evaluation if missing. Step 2: Define dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two classes are required to load and inject data to model. - ``DatasetBuilder``: handle downloading and preprocessing data. ``DatasetBuilder`` should be framework and config independent. - ``PytorchDataset``, ``TensorflowDataset``, ``SklearnDataset``: handle loading dataset from the storage; perform shuffle, sorting, batchification, etc. using concepts from each framework .. code-block:: python from dlex.configs import AttrDict from dlex.datasets.torch import PytorchDataset from dlex.datasets.builder import DatasetBuilder class SampleDatasetBuilder(DatasetBuilder): def __init__(self, params: AttrDict): super().__init__(params) def maybe_download_and_extract(self, force=False): super().maybe_download_and_extract(force) # Download dataset... # self.download_and_extract([some url], self.get_raw_data_dir()) def maybe_preprocess(self, force=False): super().maybe_preprocess(force) # Preprocess data... def get_pytorch_wrapper(self, mode: str): return PytorchSampleDataset(self, mode) class PytorchSampleDataset(PytorchDataset): def __init__(self, builder, mode): super().__init__(builder, mode) # Load data from preprocessed files... In this example, we use ``dlex.datasets.image.MNIST`` and ``dlex.datasets.image.CIFAR10``. You do not need to write even a line of code! Step 3: Construct model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides standard module definition, model also needs to support loss calculation, training, predicting and outputting prediction to specified format. Model receives a ``MainConfig`` instance containing all configurations and a dataset instance (which is one of ``PytorchDataset``, ``TensorflowDataset`` or ``SklearnDataset`` depending on the framework). .. literalinclude:: ../../implementations/image_classification/src/models/ Step 4: Configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lots of code can be reduced with configurations. See the complete guide in :ref:`configs`. .. literalinclude:: ../../implementations/image_classification/model_configs/vgg16.yml :language: yml Step 5: Train & evaluate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Training and evaluation are handled by dlex. Simply execute these commands: .. code-block:: bash dlex train -c dlex evaluate -c dlex infer -c or .. code-block:: bash python -m dlex.train -c